The Work and Entrepreneurship Support Center (Cate), an agency linked to the São Paulo City Hall’s Secretariat for Economic Development and Work, offers more than a thousand vacancies for different jobs in the areas of services, health, civil construction and commerce.
Interested parties can consult the vacancies through the Cate portal and register until Wednesday (22), at 18:00, or attend one of the 26 units of the support center in the city, from 8:00 to 17:00.
“This week, Cate offers more than 1,000 vacancies. This is the result of a lot of work and mobilization, so that it is possible to serve, mainly, the most vulnerable population”, said, in a note, the secretary of Economic Development and Work, Aline Cardoso. She highlighted the growth of vacancies in the supermarket sector. which, according to him, was the one that most expanded activities at the height of the health crisis and which remains heated.
In the supermarket sector, around 200 vacancies are offered, with salaries that reach R$ 1,847, in the occupations of merchandisers, cashier, butcher’s assistant, among others, with the need to prove experience in the activity and compatible education.
There are also 112 vacancies for cafeteria attendants, with no experience required, and the salary reaches R$ 1,340, in different regions of São Paulo, in offices, hospitals, condominiums, among others. There are 67 vacancies for the cleaning assistant function, requiring experience and the level of education varies according to the vacancy. The monthly salary reaches R$ 1,828.
Cate’s Units:
• South Center
Cate Central – Av. Rio Branco, 252
Cate Interlagos – Av. Interlagos, 6122
Cate Jabaquara – Av. Eng. Armando de Arruda Pereira, 2314
Cate Cidade Ademar – Av. Yervant Kissajikian, 416
Cate Parelheiros – Parelheiros Ecotourism Road, 5252
Cate Santo Amaro – Floriano Peixoto Square, 54
Cate Campo Limpo – Rua Nossa Senhora do Bom Conselho, 65
Cate Vila Prudente – Av. of the Oratory, 172
Cate Capela do Socorro – Rua Cassiano dos Santos, 499
• Northwest Zone
Cate Lapa – Rua Guaicurus, 1000
Cate Butantã – Rua Doutor Ulpiano da Costa Manso, 201
Cate Pirituba – Av. Dr. Felipe Pinel, 12
Cate Perus – Rua Ylídio Figueiredo, 349
Cate Jaraguá – Taipas Road, 990
Cate Santana – Av. Tucuruvi, 808
Cate Brasilândia – Av. Joao Marcelino Branco, 95
Cate Jaçanã – Rua Luis Stamatis, 300
Cate Vila Maria/Vila Guilherme – Rua General Mendes, 111
• East zone
Cate São Mateus – Av. Ragueb Chohfi, 1400
Cate Cidade Tiradentes – Rua Milagre dos Peixes, 357
Cate Itaquera – Rua Augusto Carlos Bauman, 851
Cate São Miguel Paulista – Rua Dona Ana Flora Pinheiro de Souza, 76
Cate Itaim Paulista – Av. Marshal Tito, 3012
Cate Penha – Rua Candapuí, 492
Cate Guaianases – Rua Hipólito de Camargo, 479
Cate Sapopemba – Av. Sapopemba, 9064