Of the 25 non-working days for banking agencies, 10 of them will be Mondays, nine for bank holidays and one for national holidays (Carnival). According to Delcy Rodríguez, the national bank already processes more than 95% of transactions digitally.
The Superintendency of Banking Sector Institutions (Sudeban) published through his Instagram account, the banking and national holidays of the year 2025. According to the calendar, there are 26 dates on which there will be no activity in the public and private banking agencies.
Of those 25 non-working days for banking, 10 of them will be Mondays, nine for a bank holiday and one for a national holiday (Carnival).
The holidays corresponding to January 1st; Carnivals (March 3 and 4), Saint Joseph’s Day (March 19), Holy Week (April 17 and 18), Worker’s Day (May 1), Battle of Carabobo (June 24), Birth of the Liberator (July 24); as well as December 24, 25 and 31; They will be without banking activity on the exact day that corresponds to the calendar.
It should be remembered that heThe banking platforms will continue to operate during holidays and national holidays, so clients will have the payment system without major inconveniences.
The sectoral vice president of Economy, Delcy Rodríguez, recently reported that The national bank already processes more than 95% of transactions digitally and, which in December reached high figures. He stated that between December 20 and 24 compared to the same period last year, electronic operations doubled, totaling 232 million transactions.
“There was an 81% increase in economic activity in shopping centers, while purchases in supermarkets increased by 35%,” said Rodríguez.
On holidays, banking entities may also enable external lockers, specifically in shopping centers, so users should be attentive or check the websites of each entity in case any type of special service will be enabled during the holidays.
In Venezuela and under the Sudeban ordinance, financial entities celebrate “banking Mondays.” These days have a religious origin, salso occasionally serving to perform maintenance on infrastructure systems, in addition to possible tests of new products.
*Read also: Management of parallel funds continues to violate the BCV’s international reserves
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