During a press conference from the National Palace headed by the Vice President Raquel Peña, the Minister of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM), Víctor -Ito- Bisono, announced together with the Minister of Agriculture, Limbert Cruz, and representatives of the country’s productive sectors that the government formalized new agreements to subsidize chicken production with 700 million pesos and 533 million more for flour production.
This agreement signed between the Dominican Association of Poultry Farmers (ADA) and the MICM, aims to maintain the chicken price stabilitywhich is an essential part of the basic Dominican family basket.
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The representatives of the poultry sector assured that with this measure the prices of production and sale will not increase for the Dominican people, as long as the variables that affect the cost of production do not present significant changes.
Minister Bisonó also reported the extension of the agreement signed with the Dominican Association of Industrial Wheat Millers (ADOIMT), for an amount of 533 million pesos for 60 days, in order to alleviate possible increases that could occur in bread and pasta as a result of the international destabilization of wheat flour prices.
“This new show of empathy, teamwork between the public and private sectors, as well as the sacrifice of the government, come to consolidate once again what we all know: President Luis Abinader’s management works tirelessly and without distraction looking for solutions for everyone. Dominicans, without any type of distinction, without any type of preferences, with a single objective, the well-being of all Dominicans,” the official said.
He stressed that the government of President Luis Abinader is and will be the best ally of national producers, “with facts, with results, not with circumstantial positions.” He explained that in addition to the support to the countryside that the Ministry of Agriculture executes, from the MICM Subsidy packages have been promoted to maintain the price stability of the basic basket between 2021 and so far in 2022 accumulate more than 33 billion.
In addition to the ministers, the director of Banco Agrícola, Fernando Durán, andl Director of Inespre, Iván Guzmán and for the private sector José Rafael López, president Dominican Poultry Association and Cristian Reynoso Fernández ADOIMT accompanied by businessmen from both sectors.