Students who did not attend regularly during the first quarter of the school year will have the payment corresponding to the month of August of the Universal Educational Social Assistance Program (PASE-U), formerly known as the Universal Scholarship, and executed by the Institute for the Training and Use of Human Resources (Ifarhu).
Law 148 of April 21, 2020, which created the PASE-U program, indicates that the benefit will be granted provided that a series of conditions are met, including good class attendance during the school year, as established the rule.
The Ministry of Education (Meduca) must provide the Ifarhu with the evaluations and attendance control of the students so that the corresponding payment can be made, and the students must justify the cause of the absence from classes.
At the beginning of June, the Minister of Education, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos, maintained that school absenteeism of 20% had been detected, which, she clarified, is not great, although she recognized that any group of students that is absent from an educational center is significant.
The PASE-U will not only reward good attendance, but it does justice to students who strive to be better, giving them the possibility of applying to any scholarship of excellence; something that the Universal Scholarship did not allow.