The Ministry of Health (Minsal), in the framework of the balance on the situation of the pandemic in the country, revealed that the phase changes of the communes in the Step by Step Plan. These modifications will take effect from 5:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 26.
Undersecretary of Public Health, Maria Theresa Valenzuela, reported that 14 communes will advance to the phase. Of the total, 10 will change to Initial Opening (Phase 4) and four to Preparation (Phase 3).
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In addition, no commune will go back in phase.
Below are the changes in the Step-by-Step Plan:
Advance to Initial Opening
Tarapaca Region
- Well Almonte
- Iquique
- high hospice
- walk
- Huara
Antofagasta Region
O’Higgins Region
- Chepica
- Pichidegua
- insole
Advance to Preparation
Bio bio region
Lakes Region
Aysen Region
Magellan Region