On March 13, 2021, the statue of General Manuel Baquedano was removed from Plaza Italia after 93 years in place. This, with the purpose of not being vandalized in the various protests registered in the sector.
The technical secretary of the Council of National Monuments (CMN), Erwin Brevis, reported that the statue will rest in the courtyard of the Historical and Military Museum to be exhibited. “The equestrian sculpture was installed in the central courtyard of the MHM on a temporary and removable concrete radier,” he said.
Incidentally, the sculptures “Unknown Soldier” and “Gloria” were also placed on the site. It should be remembered that these represent scenes from the battles of Chorrillos and Miraflores.
“The other six sculptures will be temporarily stored in the museum’s warehouses, pending an upcoming restoration. The Army will also work on the development of an exhibition open to the public that makes visible the different dimensions of Virginio Aria’s work,” he added. brief to emmol.
For this operation, the support of cranes and trucks was needed to move the statue of Baqueano, a maneuver that took four days and was carried out by the Army and the supervision of professionals from the Technical Secretariat of the CMN.