SLP, Mexico.- The opposition leader José Daniel Ferrerrecently released after almost four years after bars, was summoned by the Ministry of Interior (Minint) to appear before an Execution Court this Tuesday, January 28.
As stated in the citation Shown by the leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) on Monday, state security has called it to “appear.”
With the rubric of repressor Julio Ramírez, head of sector of the second PNR station in Santiago de Cuba, the regime sends an order to harass Ferrer, after other activists were arrested and assaulted by the political police after visiting him.
In response to the SE document, Ferrer said he would not go anywhere and exclaimed: “If the intention is to threaten me to return to prison, they waste their time. For the freedom and well -being of my people I give to life. I am not scared of prison! “
For days, the Political Police have been lurking of the opposition leader and harassing those who visit their home.
Several people have denounced threats and acts of intimidation by the repressive forces of the regime after going to see José Daniel Ferrer after his release. These actions seek to isolate the opposition leader and re -establish the state of site where his home was years ago.
Among the cases of documented persecution stands out that of Deisy Sofía Suárez Cabrera, who on January 22 reported threats from a state security agent identified as “Mario.” He warned him that if he visited Ferrer more than twice he would go to prison.
“They threatened that if I entered José Daniel’s house more than twice they were going to put me in prey,” the woman denounced.
Several days before, on January 17, the opponent Carlos Oliva Rivery, close to the leader of the UNPACU and his family, was visited by two State Security Agents, who threatened him “for receiving, accompanying and lending his phone to José to José Daniel ”the day before. Also, according to Ana Belkis Ferrer García’s complaint, sister of the opposition leaderOliva Rivery was interrupted by telephone service as retaliation.
Also, Iván Desquiro, a neighbor of Altamira, was intercepted and threatened when he was about to visit Ferrer García.
The release of the leader of the UNPACU activist occurred on January 16 after an advertisement of the regime that would release 553 inmatesa measure that responded, according to the Government, to an agreement with the Vatican to celebrate the ordinary jubilee of 2025, but that occurred after negotiations with the United States that included taking Cuba out of the list of sponsoring states of terrorism and suspending the Title III of the Helms-Burton Law.