The state of Rio de Janeiro has returned to the green flag, according to information released on Friday night (11) by the State Health Department.
The green flag represents the very low risk for covid-19, the least serious on a scale of five colors: yellow (low risk), orange (moderate risk), red (high risk) and purple (very high risk). The time Rio de Janeiro was classified as a green flag was three months ago.
The 72nd edition of the Covid-19 Risk Map considered data from the ninth epidemiological week of this year (27/02 to 05/03) compared to the eighth epidemiological week (13 to 19/2).
“After three months, we are returning to the green flag, with very low risk for Covid-19. This consolidates the drop in the wave of Ômicron transmission, which was responsible for the highest peak in cases since the beginning of the pandemic. With the evolution of the vaccination campaign, this explosion in the number of cases was not reflected in the demand for hospitalization or in the number of deaths”, highlighted Secretary Alexandre Chieppe, through a note.
According to the map released yesterday(11), Metropolitan Region I, which includes the capital and Baixada Fluminense, went from the yellow flag the week before to the green flag this week. Another region with improvement was the Center-South, which changed from orange to yellow in the period.
The others maintained the same classification as the previous week: Metropolitan Region II (green); Middle Paraíba, Serrana, North, Coastal Lowlands and Ilha Grande Bay (yellow); and Northwest (orange).
From the seventh to the ninth week, the number of hospitalizations dropped 88.78% and the number of deaths, 79.54%.