The Spanish police dismantled a network accused of forcing prostitution to women who captured in Colombia and Venezuela on social networks, in an operation in which freed five of the victims and arrested seven people.
As reported by the Spanish Police on Monday, the arrests occurred in Madrid and Orensewhere these women were sexually exploited in a home, and the detainees are accused of crimes such as human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
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The operation began when detecting the Police “a criminal organization of Colombian origin” that captured at victims “through social networks or from a direct contact who knew of his situation of vulnerability and financial need,” he detailed in a statement.
“They convinced them to come to Spaininforming them how they should act at the airport in order not to be detected, providing them with the necessary documentation and money, without arousing suspicion at the border,” he added.
Later, they were informed that they had contracted an alleged debt of about 3,000 euros that they had to settle by prostituting themselves “in a dating apartment” in Orense, according to the statement.
“They should be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, they could not refuse any service, they received a very small part of the benefits, since all the money earned was taken from them to settle their debt and they could not leave the house, they only left under escort if they were going to perform a service outside the home” the police reported.
The operation included several records in which more than 18,000 euros in cash were seizednarcotic substances, two mobile phones and various documentation.