The city hall suspended the municipal rotation of vehicles in this to haveTuesday (14), because of the strike of bus drivers and collectors in the city of São Paulo. Dedicated lanes and bus lanes were also released for use by passenger cars, only in the morning.
The strike was approved yesterday (13) by drivers after a conciliation hearing between the Union of Drivers and Collectors and public transport companies ended without an agreement at the Regional Labor Court (TRT) of São Paulo.
Workers ask for a salary increase based on the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) which is 12.47% (retroactive to May) and the application of the same amount to meal vouchers and profit sharing. The end of unpaid lunch hours is also claimed.
In a statement, the city of São Paulo regretted the strike and cited an injunction in the Labor Court on may 31stwhich requires maintenance of 80% of the fleet operating at peak times and 60% at other times, under penalty of a daily fine of R$ 50 thousand.
São Paulo Transporte (SPTrans) reported that it made adjustments to minimize the impacts of the stoppage. Twelve bus lines that went to Campo Limpo Terminal were extended to Vila Sônia Station, where passengers can integrate with the Metro. The 11 lines that lead to the Vila Nova Cachoeirinha Terminal also extended to the Barra Funda Metro. Seven buses were made available for transport between the Varginha and Grajaú terminals, to facilitate the connection with line 9 Esmeralda of the Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) train.