2020 and 2021 represented the worst nightmare come true for the vast majority of businesses on the planet. In the United States, as of April 2021 alone, nearly 200,000 businesses had permanently closed their doors. That same scenario would be replicated all over the world. As expected, the most affected businesses were small family businesses that could not survive those long months without income.
At the same time, millions of businesses temporarily closed. Millions of other companies have closed branches, cut staff, reduced operations and reduced the number of hours on their payrolls. The most affected of course were those of tourist services. But, there were some others that, far from staying, achieved overwhelming growth. Among them, medical laboratories and home entertainment companies.
For OTTs, 2020 and 2021 were undoubtedly the best years in their history. According to The Guardian, during 2020 Netflix recorded a stratospheric number of 37 million additional subscribers. While its powerful competitor, Disney + in just 16 months managed to amass a subscriber base of 100 million people. Investors, enthralled by what seemed like a never-ending binge, received the first indicators of growth for 2022 like a bucket of ice water. For Netflix, the growth for the first quarter of the year would only be 2.5 million subscribers globally!
Indeed, the party of the great competitors of streaming content would come to an early and sudden end. The numbers of accelerated growth no longer gave for more. Markets were saturated with content from online entertainment providers and audiences had fewer financial resources and less time for entertainment. Three main factors were decisive in the disappearance of almost 300 billion dollars of market value of the two giants. On the one hand, the increase in competition worldwide; secondly, the end of the pandemic and the progressive return of people to activities outside the home, and in a very worrying third place, what is expected to be a general cut in the pockets of families.
On the other hand…
Those who continue to party and are not crying are those of Televisa. With the launch of the new version or remake of “The rich also cry”, Televisa once again demonstrates its enormous capacity to generate highly successful content. In its first episode presented by Las Estrellas, on Monday the 21st, the telenovela had an audience of 4.1 million people. With 60 episodes (57 ahead) Televisa will offer us several months of strong emotions, laughter and tears as only they know how to do.