During the last 24 hours, the Security Establishments detained 247 people through 32 raids where 11 firearms and 15 ammunition were seized and 1,483 violations of traffic regulations were placed.
In the arrests of “Operation Bishop 2022” developed at the national level, 140 were for Trades, 68 for Administrative Misdemeanors, 25 for Flagrancia, and 12 for micro-trafficking.
During the operations, 4 vehicles were recovered that were reported for theft, two evacuations were carried out and 1,723 dollars in cash were seized, 16 foreigners were also detected with expired stays, evasion of immigration controls, and alert and undocumented impediments, respectively. .
1,723 violations of the Traffic Regulations were registered, of these 483 were for speeding, 43 for proven drunkenness, 24 for talking on the cell phone, 14 for alcoholic breath, 51 for inadequate lights, and 13 for expired licenses.