This Friday, the Paysandú City Hall launched, through its Development Agency (ADP), a solidarity campaign for the benefit of families affected by the storm last Monday, July 11. Through accounts in Abitab and Red Pagos, funds will be collected for the acquisition of construction materials, while the reception of other elements such as blankets and mattresses will continue, which will be delivered through the distribution networks that the Intendancy has established for meet the contingency.
The representatives of the Administration in the ADP, Eduardo Van Hoff and Marisa Acosta, reported that, given the magnitude of the damage and the impact on the most vulnerable population, the Administration, from this inter-institutional sphere, has ordered the launch of the solidarity campaign nationwide “Let’s be heroic, let’s rebuild Paysandú”.
Van Hoff explained that this campaign appeals to “the good will of the Uruguayans”, who are summoned on this occasion with the aim of raising funds “to buy construction materials”, which will be sent to the victims through the mechanisms logistics assembled by the Intendancy.
He assured that “the situation is very critical” and requires “immediate solution”, taking into account the large number of homes that were damaged by the climate phenomenon and the many families that “remain homeless.”
Marisa Acosta explained that this campaign aims to “order the issue of donations” and to gather in a coordinated way what “these families really need”, that is, materials such as trusses, bricks, sheets and poles, as well as bedding, mattresses, blankets and nonperishable food.
“Let’s rebuild Paysandu”
Through the Abitab account 126368 and Red Pagos 79675, financial contributions will be received that will be used to purchase materials and other essential items for the victims.
Likewise, through the ADP, the offer of solidarity labor will be channeled and organized, that is, people who are making help available and are qualified in areas such as electricity and construction.
Those who wish to contribute labor in solidarity, can contact the telephone numbers 098612236 and 47256006, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“We thank all Uruguayans for their collaboration,” said Acosta.