The PCB candidate for the presidency of the Republic, Sofia Manzano, presented today (8) her government proposals for public security. Among the measures, published on social media, is the decriminalization of drugs and an end to the drug war policy, and the legalization of marijuana in the short term.
The candidate also proposes the complete demilitarization of public security and the unification of the police. The curricular bases for police training, according to her, should be restructured based on a democratic logic.
Manzano also defends the complete repeal of the Anti-Terrorism Law, which, according to her, aims to criminalize social movements; and the adoption of 16 measures against mass incarceration by the Instituto Brasil de Ciências Criminais (IBCCRIM).
This Thursday (8), the PCB candidate’s agenda included an interview with Agência Estado/Estadão; walk through downtown São Paulo; participation in an act in solidarity with Paulo Galo, an activist arrested for having set fire to the statue of pioneer Borba Gato; and interview with the MPF web radio group from Rio Grande do Sul.