In it period 2019-2024 were made 17.8 millions of calls unsuccessful, which reveals the high level of the lack of citizen conscience. In 2024, the society Dominican has shown deficiencies in use responsible of the National System of Attention to Emergencies and 9-1-1 securitydue to the persistence of false calls and annoying that affect their operation.
Make this type ofLamadas Not only is it irresponsible, but is sanctioned by law, and it is crucial that citizens respect this service to guarantee its effectiveness in cases real of emergency.
According to portal data Open databetween 2019 and 2024 17, 882,284 were recorded calls non-productive to 9-1-1. Of these, 11, 740,387 were silent, 4, 860,139 Hangs, 821,096 classified as annoying and 460,662 as wrong.
The year with more calls unproductive was 2019, with 3.4 millionsfollowed by 2024, with three millions. In contrast, 2021 had the slightest number, with 2.7 millions.
Between January and November of 2024, the system He received 4, 833,356 callsof which only 1, 770,700 were productive, Representing 36.7%. The remaining 3, 062,656 (63.3%) were unproductive, with a monthly average of 278,423 calls.
A decade
Next May 31, the System National of Attention to Emergencies and Security 9-1-1 It will celebrate 10 years of operation in the Dominican Republic, consolidating itself as an essential pillar for the security, health and well -being of the population.
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Through timely interventions, the system has improved the quality of life, reduced risks and strengthened the state’s ability to manage emergencies effectively.
The Law 184-17that regulates the National Attention System to Emergencies and Security 9-1-1, establishes in its chapter V, article 44, sanctions for those who disturb their operation.
People who perform calls annoying, obscene, silent or interfere with any way with the system, with fines of one to five minimum wages of the public sector. In addition, the offenders are required to receive educational guidance on the proper use of the service.
In case of recidivism, the sanctions double, without damage of other penalties contemplated in national legislation.
He 9-1-1 It is a resource vital For national security. His effectiveness It depends on the conscious and responsible use of the citizenshipguaranteeing that it is available for those who really need it.