Through a statement, the group “Empresarios Unidos por el Perú” asked the government to establish public politics in order to promote and strengthen the small and micro companies of Peru with an economic reactivation that thus defends employability in the country.
“The pandemic and the bad decisions of the current government have generated the disappearance of more than 500,000 micro-enterprises throughout the country and the increase in informality to more than 80%,” the statement read.
On the other hand, they assure that a public policy aimed at serving SMEs would help stop the growth of poverty:
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“It is not possible for 20 million Peruvians to live in conditions of poverty and economic vulnerability because they are not cared for. We must urgently eradicate hunger and ensure food security”, they assured.
“The credits of Reactiva Peru and FAE-Mype have not reached many companies nationwide, especially independent and self-employed entrepreneurs who represent the vast majority of thriving Peruvians, who with their effort have generated employment and progress in Peru. . It is necessary to strengthen and capitalize the microcredit that serves micro and small businesses”, he adds.
Thus, the SME union called on the Executive and the Congress of the Republic to concentrate their efforts to formulate measures that save small and micro enterprises and thus generate employment, which is necessary for the reactivation of the economy.
“Micro and small business entrepreneurs in Peru require citizen security to be able to carry out their activities. Currently we do not have the necessary peace of mind to operate properly in our industrial parks, conglomerates, businesses and markets,” they concluded.