A survey by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) shows that micro and small businesses continue to be the main generators of new job vacancies. According to a survey, based on the General Register of Employed and Unemployed (Caged), the sector was responsible for 76% of job vacancies in the country. The data correspond to the month of November 2021.
According to Sebrae, for 15 consecutive months, small businessmen have generated the majority of job vacancies in Brazil. The monthly average for the period is over 70% of participation in the creation of new vacancies.
Commerce was responsible for the opening of 116,700 jobs, followed by the services (98,700), construction (16,700) and industry (15,200) sectors.
In the case of medium and large companies, the largest number of jobs was created in the service sector firms (80.8 thousand jobs), followed by commerce (21.3 thousand). Agriculture, industry and construction showed a negative balance of creation of new opportunities.
Title changed at 16:09 to correct information. Small businesses are responsible for 76% of new jobs, not 70%, as previously reported.