According to the latest medical report of hotels, hospitals and shelters Covid-19 of the Directorate of Provision of the Services of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), of December 31, 2021, there was a notable increase in the number of patients in the last three weeks.
In this sense, the Health Emergencies Department explained that, despite this increase, few ambulance transfers are being made (2 to 3 per week) to hospitals, compared to 2020 where up to 10 patients were transferred per day.
Since the opening of the Covid-19 hotels and hostels in March 2020, approximately 21,106 patients have been admitted to date.
Currently, a hotel (The Golden Tower Hotel) and a hostel at the national level (Centro Provisional Covid-19), Chiriquí; It was announced that they will soon open a shelter in the province of Coclé, in the old Aguadulce hospital.
Actions were strengthened with the enabling of 26 facilities coordinated and / or supervised by the Minsa health emergency department at the national level (14 hotels, 8 hostels and 4 contact hotels).
This report mentioned that a total of 3 deaths were reported in 2 years within the facilities: one in a shelter in North Panama (April 2020) and the other two in hotels (Crown and Oriental) in January 2021.
The Health Emergencies Department also added that the nursing staff throughout the pandemic has supported the issue of medicines (reception, storage and delivery to patients).
Finally, the report indicated that the Golden Tower Hotel has 46% of travelers who have been captured at the airport and taken by health authorities to this facility.