The capital’s president explained that the objective of these talks is to build a bridge of understanding with other entities in the country and share experiences on issues such as renewable energy, among others.
The first forum was held at the Cosmos Lighthouse and those who started these new activities were the president of the capital, the governor of Sonora, Alfonso Durazo, and Héctor Barrio, who attended on behalf of the Secretary of Energy, Rocío Nahle.
“(Alfonso) Durazo, comes to talk to us about the Sonora Plan and, at the same time, we talk about what we are doing with renewable energy sources, and so we are going to take up some issues of the link between entities of the Republic and the City of Mexico who are part of the Transformation of our country”, explained the capital’s president.
The forums have a television format and on this occasion it was moderated by the journalist Ana María Lomelí, who gave the floor to the head of government to give a brief introduction to the exercise and they began to disseminate a specific topic.
The topic addressed by Alfonso Durazo was lithium, where he stressed that his government is open to foreign investment for the exploitation of this natural resource, as long as most of the resources obtained by energy are for the Mexican government.
“We want lithium to be at the service of the energy transition, but for the benefit of Mexicans, as oil was at the time,” he said.
At the end, the capital’s president did not specify who will be the subsequent guests and if these forums imply disbursement of resources from the capital’s government for the transfers of the governors and their respective work teams.