The Ministry of Public Function (SFP), issued an opinion recommending Carolina Aranda, mayor of the municipality of Mariano Roque Alonso (MRA) to comply with the total payment of the retirement contribution of her affiliate Margarita Silva in the Retirement and Pension Fund of city staff.
To understand the case, you have to explain the context. The MRA commune sent several officials to retirement in recent months. One of those who denounced an irregular retirement was Margarita Silva, who had 27 years of seniority in the commune. It was terminated via resolution 229/2022 on March 17.
The commune decided to terminate its services by retiring it based on article 43 of Law 122/93 “Which unifies and updates Laws 740/78 and 1226/86, relating to the retirement and pension system for municipal staff.” In other words, the official was automatically released when she went into retirement. However, the same Retirement Fund announced that it cannot accept the municipal resolution since these requests must be made individually by the same official or official.
This situation was suffered by more than five officials, but only two decided to complain, including Silva and another official named Gregorio Barreto.
The irregularity does not end here, the official denounces that her contributions to the Retirement Fund are only around G. 18 million, when in reality, due to her seniority of 27 years, her contributions should have been around G. 100 million. In other words, there is money that simply disappeared. It should be noted that the Municipality of MRA owes G. 14 billion to the Retirement and Pension Fund for municipal personnel.
“I do not have a pension, I do not have a salary, we were dismissed. She (for Aranda) made a fraud, using the Retirement Fund law to disassociate us by not using the Municipal Organic Law, which is the one that corresponds, ”she lamented.
Due to this situation, Silva lost his seniority and cannot collect his pension either, since the procedure was carried out illegally by the communal authorities. “If they retire us, they have to pay everything they owe to the Fund. Or if they want to untie us, they have to pay us compensation for the years worked. So we have no right to one or the other, ”he concluded.