Sergio Massa launched together with Juan José Bahillo the economic incentive Impulso Tambero

Sergio Massa launched together with Juan José Bahillo the economic incentive Impulso Tambero

The increase in the cost of grains, due to the Russo-Ukrainian war, which are destined for animal consumption and the great drought that devastates our country, greatly affect the production of the agricultural sector of our territory, there is high mortality in cattle and dairy workers (dairy producers) warned that if they continued like this, there could be a shortage of their products. For this, Sergio Massa launched the Impulso Tambero program.

From the province of Córdoba, considered the productive heart of Argentina in this area, the Economy Minister together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, chaired by Juan José Bahillo, launched this investment program for the dairy industry that will provide up to 15 pesos per liter of milk to the smallest dairy farms, and 10 pesos per liter to the largest dairy farms. Sergio Massa He pronounced that the initiative will achieve “sustaining the feeding capacity during the next 4 months.”

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