More than half of Brazilians (55% of the total) expect to spend up to R$4,000 on so-called beginning of the year expenses, such as insurance, school fees and taxes (such as IPVA and IPTU). This is what a survey conducted by Serasa, in partnership with the Opinion Box Institute, revealed.
This value is 21% higher than the average Brazilian income, estimated at R$3,279 by the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) and more than twice the national minimum wage, which is currently R$1,518.00.
However, this same survey revealed that only 59% of those interviewed said they had prepared themselves financially to pay these expenses.
To help consumers balance these accounts, Serasa experts recommend that people write down their expenses on a financial spreadsheet, separating them into categories: vital (such as housing, water, electricity, transport and food), important (such as gym and leisure activities), annual (such as school registrations and taxes), emergency, and superfluous (such as streaming and delivery).
In your websiteSerasa provides a financial table to help consumers better control their expenses.