Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG) decided to mobilize senators to vote for authorities only after the first round of elections, scheduled for October 2. This month and September the Senate will vote, in semi-presential sessions, provisional measures (MPs) and bills suggested by the benches.
Voting for officials will take place in person, with senators registering their votes in the plenary voting system and in totems scattered throughout the Senate. On the other hand, bills and MPs can be voted on by the remote system.
“The Federal Senate will hold semi-presential sessions, in the months of August and September, for the consideration of provisional measures and bills suggested by the benches. The in-person sessions, in a regime of concentrated effort for the appreciation of authorities, as decided by the majority of the leaders, will be for the period immediately after the October 2 elections, to guarantee a qualified quorum”, Pacheco reported on social media.
Among the authorities awaiting approval in the Senate are federal judges Messod Azulay Neto and Paulo Sérgio Domingues, appointed yesterday (1st) by the President of the Republic to the Superior Court of Justice (STJ).
Provisional measures are a priority, as they have a deadline to be voted on before they lose their validity. Tomorrow (3), for example, three MPs can be voted, the 1,108/2022, which regulates teleworking; The MP 1.109/2022, on the adoption of differentiated labor rules in situations of public calamity, such as the cut or temporary suspension of workers’ salaries; and the MP 1.116/2022which institutes the Emprega + Mulheres e Jovens (Employs + Women and Youth) program, which encourages the inclusion of this public in the job market.
The first two MPs expire in the next few days. The telework MP and the differentiated labor rules MP expire next Monday (8). MP 1.116/2022 is valid until September 14th.
Rodrigo Pacheco met today with party leaders and it was agreed that they would give him a list of projects considered priority for voting in the second week of August.
Among the projects that may appear on the list, there are proposals that ensure health plan customers access to procedures not provided for in the list of the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS), the so-called exhaustive list. The decision of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), in June, taking away the obligation of health plans to cover certain proceduresmoved the senators to act in the opposite direction.
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