The Senate approved today (3) the Provisional Measure (MP) 1.108/2022, which regulates teleworking and changes the rules of food aid. The text brings the definition of telework and addresses the working day in this regime and says that the food allowance will be intended exclusively for the payment of meals in restaurants or foodstuffs purchased in commerce. The text goes to presidential sanction.
Among other points, the MP considers telework or remote work to be provided outside the employer’s premises, predominantly or not, with information and communication technologies and that does not constitute external work. In addition, the MP says that the negotiation of the working day will take place individually, between the worker and the employer.
Employees on a telework basis are subject to the provisions set out in local legislation and collective bargaining agreements in the territorial base where the employer hired the worker. Apprentices and interns will also be able to telework.
The MP also says that the use of tools, such as emails, outside working hours will not be considered as on call and that employers will have to give priority to the remote regime for employees with children up to 4 years old.
Meal ticket
The text restricts the use of food aid, or meal vouchers, in restaurants or in the purchase of foodstuffs purchased in commerce. The government claims that the rule aims to prevent the aid, which has favorable tax treatment, from being used for the purchase of products not related to food.
The provisional measure also prohibits companies from receiving discounts when hiring food ticket suppliers. Today, some employers have a rebate on the hiring process.
* With information from the Câmara de Notícias Agency