The Senate approved today (10) a bill (PL) that returns the count, for purposes of length of service, of the period of the covid-19 pandemic of civil and military civil servants in the areas of health and public security. The text amends Complementary Law 173/2020, which suspends this count for servers from May 28, 2020 to December 31, 2021. The PL approved today removes these categories from suspension.
When approving the project that gave rise to the complementary law, Congress had provided for exceptions for some categories, such as health and safety workers. The passage, however, was vetoed by President Jair Bolsonaro and the veto was upheld by Congress. For the rapporteur, senator Alexandre Silveira (PSD-MG), the withdrawal of this right was unfair.
“The civil servants who acted on the front lines of the fight against the pandemic, in particular the health and public security servers, worked and risked their lives between May 28, 2020 until December 31, 2021, without receiving annuals, triennia, quinquennia. and bonus leaves, and without the time worked counting for the period of acquisition of these rights”, argued Silveira in his report.
The exception provided for in the project will apply to employees of the Union, states, Federal District and municipalities. The bill also makes it clear that the rule will not apply to the payment of arrears due to the counting of time in the period and provides for the return of payment on January 1, 2022. The bill goes to presidential sanction.
*With information from the Senate Agency