The Senate approved today (12) a bill (PL) that expands the dissemination of information about missing children and adolescents. The text provides for the inclusion of information on the disappearance in the National Register of Missing Children and Adolescents and in the National Register of Missing Persons.
According to the rapporteur of the project in the Senate, Veneziano Vital do Rêgo (MDB-PB), the records of the disappeared must work in mutual cooperation and feed each other whenever there is new information. In his view, Brazil currently has several registries that are not subject to analysis and comparisons between one and the other.
“In Brazil, there will be a plurality of records within the information system, whether national or state, generic or specific, and the data must be collated so that a plausible universe of reliable information can be obtained”, he stated in his report.
The bill originated in the House, but underwent changes in the Senate. Vital do Rêgo included an amendment that provides for the immediate updating of the National Registry of Missing Persons and the National Registry of Missing Children and Adolescents whenever there is a new notification. It also included an excerpt providing for cooperation between the two registries. Because of the changes, the project goes back to the Chamber for a new analysis.
* With information from the Senate Agency