The Senate approved, in a symbolic vote, a bill that includes the commitment of basic education to full literacy and the gradual training for reading in the Law of Directives and Bases of Education (LDB). Authored by federal deputy Hugo Leal (PSD-RJ), the favorable opinion of the rapporteur in the Education, Culture and Sport Commission (EC), senator Veneziano Vital do Rêgo (MDB-PB), was approved in a symbolic vote.
By the project, among the rights guaranteed by the State and foreseen in the LDB, “full literacy and gradual training for reading throughout basic education will be added as essential requirements for the realization of rights and learning objectives and for the development of individuals” . These same characteristics also become part of basic education.
The rapporteur said that full literacy and reading competence are the main objectives of schooling. “Without consolidating the foundations they represent, the result is unsatisfactory schooling that leaves the individual unable to progress and master knowledge in other areas,” he said.
Currently, the LDB determines that the State must guarantee compulsory and free basic education from 4 to 17 years old and free early childhood education to children up to 5 years old, ensuring specialized educational assistance to students with disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities or giftedness. Other provisions of the LDB include free education for all those who have not completed it at the proper age, offer of regular evening education, supplementary programs of didactic and school material, and minimum standards of quality of education.
* With information from the Senate Agency