The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation promotes from today (26) to Friday (29), in Salvador (BA), the seminar “Research in detection, risk management and impacts of oil in the sea”. The event will present and discuss the results of scientific research carried out from the oil spill from a Greek transport vessel off the Brazilian coast, in 2019. On the occasion, crude oil reached the entire coast of northeastern Brazil.
The leak from the vessel’s tanks occurred offshore and reached beaches, mangroves and coral reefs, tourist and environmental protection areas, and areas characterized by the practice of sustainable fishing by artisanal fishing communities.
This will be the third annual event to monitor scientific advances in this area. The previous ones were carried out in March 2020 and in May 2021. The researches discussed will be those that had public funding. The practice is adopted by the ministry and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) with funded projects.
The purpose of the event, according to the ministry, is to collect information on high-level scientific publications resulting from this support and to estimate the number of new human resources trained in research. Six topics will be discussed throughout the week: risk and disaster management; deep sea; coastal zone and continental shelf; ocean circulation, ocean-atmosphere interaction and climate variability; technology and infrastructure for oceanographic research; and marine biodiversity and its products.