The government program of the candidate for the Presidency of the Republic by the MDB, Simone Tebet, has 48 pages and is divided into four main axes: social justice, citizenship and combating inequalities; green economy and sustainable development; government partner of the private sector; and inclusive, secure and transparent government.
In detail, the proposal defends the implementation of a permanent income transfer program with new criteria, which would replace the current Auxílio Brasil. In health, the text cites the increase in the Union’s participation in the Unified Health System (SUS). Another highlight of Tebet’s government plan is the re-creation of the Ministries of Culture and Planning, in addition to changes in the collection of Personal Income Tax.
In the environmental area, the document proposes resuming the Amazon Fund; a “zero tolerance” policy against illegal deforestation; regulate the carbon credits system; and develop a new Legal Framework for fisheries.
The plan also advocates a “wide and comprehensive reconstruction” of the country, which would have as its starting point the resumption of economic growth to “end hunger and poverty, reduce inequalities, return to creating jobs and generate income in terms of volume and quality that our population needs”.
Simone Tebet’s proposal places the area of education at the top of national priorities, led and coordinated by the Union. The document defends full-time education and a new curriculum base that brings secondary education, vocational education and technical education closer to the job market, “with valued teachers and adequate infrastructure”. The resources collected from the privatization of state-owned companies, according to the text, would be used to reduce poverty and provide early childhood education.
Tebet’s government plan also plans the approval, in the first six months of the government, of a tax reform, which is already in Congress, to create a value-added tax to replace several other taxes and simplify the system.