See the schedule of candidates for the Presidency of the Republic today (29):
Ciro Gomes (PDT): the candidate participates, at 11:30 am, in a meeting at the Brazilian Association of Infrastructure and Basic Industries (Abdib).
Eymael Constituent (DC): the candidate did not disclose the agenda.
Felipe D’Ávila (New): in the morning, the candidate goes through a sabbath at Rádio Serra Dourada Bahia and then participates in the Abdib Forum.
Jair Bolsonaro (PL): the candidate did not disclose the agenda.
Leo Pericles (UP): the candidate did not disclose the agenda.
Lula (PT): the candidate did not disclose the agenda.
Pablo Marcal (Pros): the candidate did not disclose the agenda.
Roberto Jefferson (PTB): the candidate is under house arrest and has no planned public agenda.
Simone Tebet (MDB): the candidate did not disclose an agenda.
Sofia Manzano (PCB): has no external activities. According to the advisor, the candidate only participates in recordings.
Soraya Thronicke (Union): the candidate’s agenda will be in São Paulo. In the morning, he participates in the Meeting with the Candidates for the Presidency of the Republic, on Avenida Paulista. At 12:30, she meets with foreign election observers and, after that, an interview and recording for electoral propaganda.
Vera Lucia (PSTU): the candidate has an agenda in Passo Fundo (RS). In the early afternoon, she participates in leafleting at Cecy School. At 2 pm and 4:30 pm, she gives interviews to the radio and newspaper Morning Diary and to Planalto FM radio. It then participates in leafleting and, at 7 pm, in the launch of the candidacy for the state deputy of Marilei.