Check out the agendas of the candidates for the Presidency of the Republic this Sunday (11):
Ciro Gomes (PDT): participates in the launch of a local candidate’s campaign, at 11 am, at the Samba Praieira Academy, in Praias Belas, in Porto Alegre (RS)
Eymael Constituent (DC): rests with the family.
Felipe D’Ávila (New): participates, at 10 am, in a bike ride at Ibirapuera, from gate 6, in São Paulo (SP).
Jair Bolsonaro (PL): did not disclose its schedule.
Leo Pericles (UP): did not disclose its schedule.
Lula (PT): did not disclose its schedule.
Father Kelmon (PTB): did not disclose its schedule.
Simone Tebet (MDB): did not disclose its schedule.
Sofia Manzano (PCB): did not disclose its schedule.
Soraya Thronicke (Union): did not disclose its schedule.
Vera Lucia (PSTU): did not disclose its schedule.