In another day of the campaign, presidential candidates participate in walks, leaflets, interviews and meetings. Check out the agendas of candidates for the Presidency of the Republic this Tuesday (6):
Ciro Gomes (PDT): at 10 am, participates in a meeting with shopkeepers at Rua das Noivas, in the Luz neighborhood, in São Paulo (SP). At 12:30, she gives an interview on Proposals for the Amazon. At 7:30 pm, he gives an interview to Rede TV. At 20:45, make live on Ciro TV.
Eymael Constituent (DC): walks in the Alphaville business center, in Barueri (SP), at 4 pm.
Felipe D’Ávila (New): participates, at 8:15 am, in the Sabbath of the More Brazil News. At 10:15 am, he gives a live interview to BM&C New.
Jair Bolsonaro (PL): participates in the Sabbatina at Jovem Pan, in Brasília.
Leo Pericles (UP): at 5 pm, he participates in a live on the internet with Rita Von Hunty.
Lula (PT): participates in a coordination meeting with the parties that make up the Brasil da Esperança Coalition, at 10 am, at the Grand Mercure Hotel in Ibirapuera, in São Paulo (SP).
Pablo Marcal (Pros): did not disclose its schedule.
Father Kelmon (PTB): did not disclose its schedule.
Simone Tebet (MDB): has appointments in Brasilia. At 10 am, it meets with the board of the National Association of Attorneys of the Republic, at the Attorney General’s Office. At 11:15 am, there is a meeting with the Association of Federal Police Delegates (ADPF). In the afternoon, there is a Sabbath with Brazilian Mail and TV Brasília, live, at 1:10 pm, at the headquarters of Correio Braziliense. At 3:00 pm, he meets with the ambassadors of the European Union member states in Brazil, at the headquarters of the European Union Delegation in Brazil.
Sofia Manzano (PCB): does leafleting and participates in conversation at the Bandeirante nucleus fair, in Brasília, at 8 am. In Rio Grande do Sul, gives an interview to the MPF Group of Radios Web, at 18h.
Soraya Thronicke (Union): records electoral program at 10 am in Brasília. In the afternoon, it has a meeting with representatives of the Joint Parliamentary Biodiesel Front (FPBio) and receives proposals from the sector, at 4 pm, at the Campaign Committee of União Brasil, in São Paulo (SP).
Vera Lucia (PSTU): has agendas in the state of São Paulo. At 7 am, visit the occupied MWL factory in Caçapava. At 9 am, he talks with Avibrás workers in Jacareí. Afterwards, he goes to São José dos Campos, where he participates: at 10 am, in a café with retirees; at 11:30 am, walk through the city center; and at 3:30 pm, a meeting with trade unionists and activists. At 6:30 pm, he returns to Jacareí, where he visits the Quilombo Coração Valente Occupation.