This Friday (1st) the National Ballistic Analysis System (Sinab) was launched. The new system was one of the topics addressed by the National Secretary of Public Security of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), Carlos Renato Machado Paim in an interview with the program The Voice of Brazil. Paim told the program that the new system will integrate data from cartridge analysis to improve crime enforcement. R$ 150 million was invested in the initiative.
The secretary also spoke about the Single Public Security System (Susp). “For the first time, the Brazilian government is bringing the public security agenda to the municipalities,” he said. The objective, according to Paim, is to transmit knowledge so that municipal managers can improve their dialogue with states and the federal government.
Paim also dealt with topics such as the genetic profile bank. According to him, the tool is essential for combating crimes such as rape and searching for missing persons. He also spoke on the program about the National Public Security Information System, Sinespe.
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