The Chamber of Senators reduced the sentences for breach of trust to eight years, when the Deputies project proposed raising it to 15 years. Currently the legislation establishes 10 years.
Rocío Vallejo, author of the project that establishes the modification of articles 187 that typifies fraud and 192 on breach of trust of Law No. 1160/97 of the Penal Code, lamented the modification introduced to the text in the Chamber of Senators, where they modified the essence of the proposal.
“Not even in my worst nightmares did I imagine this. It is very frustrating and very serious for the country”, said legislator Vallejo in an interview with 730 AM and denounced that there were 16 legislators who cast their votes.
In the lower house it was medium sanction to increase prison sentences for breach of trust to 15 years, since the current law stipulates 10 years. However, the Senate reduced the sentences to 8 years.
Enrique Bacchetta, Carlos Filizzola, Amado Florentín, Abel González, Blas Lanzoni, José Ledesma, Esperanza Martínez, Desirée Masi, Sixto Pereira, Jorge Querey, Hugo Richer, Miguel Fulgencio Rodríguez, Daniel Rojas, Óscar Salomón, Pedro Santa Cruz and Octavio Schatp They are the senators who opted for the reduction of sentences.
Also, to keep the original project voted In favor of legislators Gilberto Apuril, Lucas Aquino, Georgia Arrúa, Enrique Buzarquis, Hermelinda Ortega, Blanca Ovelar, Stephan Rasmussen and Carlos Zena Duarte. In said session, 21 absences were recorded.
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Vallejo indicated that another attache refers that when damage is caused, it must be shown that there was an objective to cause it, lor which makes the legislation “more benign” and makes the work of the Prosecutor’s Office more difficult.
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