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Scaloni: "The team always shows its face"

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Scaloni: "The team always shows its face"

Lionel Scalonitechnician of the argentine national team, considered the victory of his team “deserved”, admitted that it was won “at the most expected moment” and stressed that his team “always shows its face”. “It was a deserved victory. The game was not easy and was won at the least expected moment, but the team continued attacking. It is deserved because we made all the expenses. Chili “They have been a very tough opponent,” he said in the press conference after the victory against Chile (1-0).

Regarding whether this match left him happier than the opening match against Canada, he highlighted: “They are different, but what must be noted is that the team always shows its face. We did the things we proposed well and we played a good match. This shows the difficulty of this Copa América,” he added.

Scaloni said that the match was as they had imagined, “although with nuances” and denied that it was a tough game due to Chile’s approach. “I saw Chile doing well. Ricardo (Gareca) transmits a calmness that this team needs. Chile played its game and I don’t think it was a tough game. They played their game and they did it well.”

The coach stressed that he nevertheless admitted that he experienced the match “a little more tense than normal, because the match was nice.” “I maintain a certain behavior and I told the referee to understand it and he told me there was no problem,” he added.

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After explaining that he sought “freshness” with the change of both full-backs and that he hopes Enzo Fernández will pick up the pace – “because we will surely need him in the next games” -, Scaloni once again stressed that it is not a problem for Julián Álvarez to play together and Lautaro Martínez, but he puts who he considers at all times to give him more balance.

“Lautaro and Julián have played together. The first person happy to score is him (Lautaro), the second is Julián and the third is me. Every game I am going to try to put the one who for that game I consider to be better. It will be all that remains of debate, but they are scoring and that makes us happy,” he stressed.

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