The Ministry of Health launched this Monday (13) an advertising campaign about the Mais Médicos program, which will be broadcast on television, radio, media and digital panels.
Called Where There’s Life, There’s More Doctors. And Where There Are More Doctors, There’s a Federal Government and a Well-Careful Brazil, the campaign aims to raise awareness among the population about the importance of the program, in addition to encouraging the search for information about services through the Mais Médicos portal.
The Mais Médicos program was created in 2013, with the aim of expanding assistance to basic health care by taking doctors to work in priority, remote, difficult-to-access and high-vulnerability regions, where there is a shortage or absence of these professionals. In 2023, the program was relaunched and renamed Mais Médicos para o Brasil ( , starting to include other areas of health, such as dentists, nurses and social workers, and promising to prioritize Brazilian professionals.
“Mais Médicos is a reality, and it makes a difference. In the Family Health Strategy, today, the program allows extended service hours”, said the Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade.
According to the Ministry of Health, primary care reached the mark of 26,872 vacancies filled in Mais Médicos at the end of last year, 601 of which were for work in 34 Special Indigenous Health Districts (DSEI). Of these, 50 professionals were sent to Yanomami territory. Another highlight, reported the ministry, was the opening of notices with ethnic-racial quotas and for people with disabilities (PCDs), with the offer of 3,100 vacancies for professionals from 1,574 Brazilian municipalities.
The new campaign can be seen on program portal.