The municipality of São Paulo launched two proposals to requalify the edge of the Guarapiranga dam, in the south of the city. The objective is to encourage ecological and nautical tourism in the region.
One of the proposals foresees the concession, to the private sector, of seven parks on the edge of Guarapiranga: Guarapiranga, Barragem da Guarapiranga, Praia do Sol, Linear Castelo, Linear Nove de Julho, Linear São José and the new Praia São Paulo park.
The exploration period is 25 years. Investments for the recovery of the environmental heritage of parks, paths, buildings, furniture and signage will have to be performed within the first 48 months. The concessionaire also
will have to build nautical piers to facilitate access to the parks for those who come through the dam.
According to the city hall, the future responsible person will have to invest around R$ 21 million, in addition to the R$ 468 million projected for funding over the 25 years of operation. The municipality will keep 1% to 6% of the revenues, depending on the revenue.
yacht club
The other proposal provides a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) to manage the Santa Paula Iate Clube. The company that manages the club
will have to renovate and reactivate the nautical complex that,
according to the city hall,
It has been abandoned since the 1980s.
will have a term of 30 years and will involve investments
of R$129 million, in addition to operating costs of approximately R$393 million
provided for the term of the partnership.
The city hall
will have a counterpart of
R$ 9.5 million per year and
will make a contribution of
R$ 60 million related to the execution of the works. Revenue share can be between 1% and 9.5%.