Cuevas reacted to the survey with his list of possible candidates to lead the opposition alliance.
“Some of them will be,” he wrote next to the names of the mayor of Benito Juárez, the mayor of Álvaro Obregón and the mayor of Cuajimalpa.
According to the survey carried out in the capital of the country, from June 10 to 12, Morena registers 36% of the intention to vote in effective percentage, without considering 15% of indefinite, while the PAN and the PRI capture 20 and 19%, respectively.
The monitoring of polls carried out by the newspaper indicates that Morena and its allies had been taking an advantage of between 6 and 12 points, between November 2021 and March 2022, but in April the opposition alliance obtained the lead, with a minimum advantage of 5 points, while in May and June the polls registered a statistical tie, with the opposition alliance above by just 2 percentage points.
The survey also revealed that the most popular political figure in the capital today is PAN senator Xóchitl Gálvez, who had a favorable opinion of 34% and is known by 79% of the capital’s electorate; followed by the brunette Clara Brugada, the secretary of the CDMX government, Martí Batres, and the federal secretary of Public Security, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, who added between 29 and 31% of positive opinion, although Batres and Rodríguez are better known, with 75 and 74% recognition, while the mayor of Iztapalapa registered 68% knowledge.