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April 20, 2024
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Sandinista dictatorship estimates losses from the April crisis at 22 billion dollars

Sandinista dictatorship estimates losses from the April crisis at 22 billion dollars

The vice-dictator and spokesperson for the Ortega dictatorship, Rosario Murillo, presented an extensive and detailed list of the “deceptions and destruction” caused by opposition protesters during the civic protests of 2018. According to the data presented by the first lady, the cost total losses that affected the national economy is 22,367 million dollars.

After insulting and offering his well-known hate speech against his critics in the official media, Murillo read a report prepared by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit where he compiles “what the bloodthirsty coup plotters destroyed in those dark days, weeks and months.”

Related news: Murillo’s hate speech against the opposition is “a product of the traumas” about the April rebellion, critics say

The vice dictator pointed out that “the death roadblocks” caused “violations of the right to free movement”, the death of 198 Sandinista sympathizers, of which 22 were members of the National Police and 1,240 wounded with firearms. However, to date the Ortega government still does not recognize the murder of more than 350 Nicaraguans, a figure that has been verified by international human rights organizations.

Regarding material losses, Murillo mentioned that the opposition’s “terrorist actions” destroyed the assets of 18 government institutions, three universities and municipal mayors’ offices.

Murillo denounced that the direct damages caused by the self-organized demonstrations amounted to 206.5 million dollars, of which 174.2 million They focused “on the partial or total destruction of buildings and other infrastructure.”

Protests “affected” the economy

Daniel Ortega’s wife indicated that the “kidnapping of the country caused the destruction of 140,995 training jobs assigned to the National Social Security Institute (INSS).” Likewise, the vice dictator pointed out that there was a reduction in the income of that entity by “110.1 million dollars”, which put at risk the “punctual payment” to 281,567 insured people, with an average monthly pension, at that time. , of 9,574 córdobas, ignoring the fact that the first protests were against reforms implemented to social security.

The government spokesperson explained that “1,340 million dollars were lost from the flow of foreign direct investment, which had and still has implications that we carry in the generation of employment and exports.”

«Investments in productive sectors were also reduced by 30% or more and there were losses of 640 million dollars in tourism income. The economic activities that most suffered from the brutal act of the coup were hotels, restaurants, construction, commerce, credit and savings, transportation and communication,” Murillo reported.

Ortega's government says it will de-dollarize Nicaragua's economy, but does not say how.
Several opponents have accused the Ortega-Murillo family of committing acts of corruption.

In addition, the vice president pointed out that “as a result of the ligaments, pressures and manipulations of the coup and terrorism in 2018, the financial system lost deposits from small families, medium-sized companies and economic agents for 1,512 million dollars,” as well as “a reduction in credit for 762.3 million.

The Central Bank of Nicaragua (BCN) also reported a “decrease” in the international reserve of more than 500 million dollars. According to Murillo, this represented “a hard blow to the macroeconomic stability of the country and to all the families that paralyzed the path of growth, progress and transformation, in the midst of the decade of best economic performance in our history.

In addition, Murillo highlighted that the more than 22 million dollars lost in the national economy is equivalent to the monetary damage that would be left by 28 hurricanes ETA or IOTA, or 11 pandemics or three hurricanes Mitch. The vice president affirms that this damage “can only be compared” with the Managua earthquake, which occurred in 1972.

The “evil” United States

Since the sociopolitical crisis broke out six years ago, the dictatorship launched a fierce repression against citizens, which led countries such as the United States, Canada and the European Union to impose a series of sanctions against the dictatorial couple and their senior officials.

Murillo, during his speech, described these sanctions as “aggressive campaigns that were also a concert of evildoers.” As he complained, the actions of the international community “impeded Nicaragua’s access to financing between 2018 and 2021, which affected the signing of 26 projects for 1,418 million dollars, equivalent to 1.4 times the public investment program of the 2023,” Murillo lamented.

Related news: Remittances have supported the economy of Nicaraguans since the beginning of 2023

The first lady assured, however, that from 2020 to 2023 the country achieved economic growth of more than 18.7%, and was optimistic about the economic dynamism that the country has recovered.

Murillo indicated that “most of the losses have been overcome and the damage caused by that criminal failed coup attempt is being overcome. Imagine, if they had not caused so much damage how better we would be” and stated that the only people to blame for the economic decline are the opponents, totally ignoring that it has been his regime that has caused the violence that has unleashed more civic rebellion throughout these six years. years.

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