The Social Health Insurance (It’s Health) reported that the payment of the extraordinary bonus of S/ 210 began to the fourth group of formal workers in the private sector who have bank accounts in the Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP). Here we tell you who gets it on this date.
The compensation, provided for by Emergency Decree No. 105-2021, is paid directly to the individual account of the worker.
The first disbursement began on Friday, January 21 for a group of 902,083 formal workers from the private sector, who have savings accounts at BBVA.
Compensation was then paid to workers with bank accounts in the financial entities Scotiabank and Banco Interamericano de Finanzas (BanBif).
What is the BCP schedule?
The bank pointed out that on this occasion a schedule with dates has not been established, because it is a single group.
BBVA Schedule
The payment method for those who have bank accounts at BBVA is according to the following schedule:
Scotiabank and BanBif schedule
The payment method for those who have bank accounts in BanBif and Scotiabank were according to the following schedule:
The payment schedule for the S/ 210 bonus will be announced soon to private sector workers who have an account in other banking entities.
To whom will the S/ 210 Bonus be paid?
In the case of the private sector, this monetary support will be delivered only to personnel who meet the following requirements:
- Work and be registered with your National Identity Document (DNI) in the company’s electronic form during the months of July, August or September 2021.
- Receive a gross monthly salary of no more than S/ 2,000.
Excluded from this benefit are the regimen of labor training modalities or pensioner regimens.
How do I know if I am a beneficiary?
To find out if you are a beneficiary of the extraordinary bonus of S/ 210, you must enter this link: and place the number of your National Identity Document (DNI), as well as its verifying digit.
Private sector workers will receive this bonus until March 31, 2022.
EsSalud reminds that no paperwork, application or management is needed to obtain the compensation, so it urges the population not to be surprised by false pages or processors that offer to grant the aforementioned bonus.