In the Chamber of Deputies, they will discuss the veto of the project that establishes economic compensation for the builders of contractor companies, which were in charge of the Itaipu plant. The opinion is for accepting the objection of the Executive.
The Commission for Accounts and Budget Execution Control analyzed the bill “Which establishes the legal framework for the payment of historical compensation to former construction workers of the plant, assembly and commissioning of Itaipu’s generating units, directly hired by contractor companies and works subcontractors, service locators and sub-locators and health and education agreements on the right bank.
Unanimously, it was ruled by the acceptance of the veto of the Executive, as confirmed by the owner, Édgar Acosta (PLRA).
The main argument is that the project itself is unconstitutional, considering that both the management of Itaipu and its resources depend on an international treatyTherefore, the modifications cannot be made unilaterally by Congress.
Related note: Million-dollar compensation to former Itaipu builders: Senate deals with Executive veto
The international treaty takes precedence over any type of ordinary law that may arise from congresses. In this way, the interests of binationality are protected, ”he commented.
With the veto, Itaipu it is saved from losing some 940 million dollars that were estimated to be used to cover this claim.
In fact, the payment mechanisms and the amounts were unfeasible for the Itaipu board of directors, which also argued that the request is inappropriate, since these people belonged to contractor companies and had no employment relationship with the binational entity.
Another legal tool that shields Itaipu from this claim is that the reversal notes signed in 2000 by Paraguay and Brazil, demarcate Itaipu’s responsibility for compensation for workers of contractor and subcontractor companies.
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