The national dialogue process, whose reactivation was announced on March 7 by President Nicolás Maduro, will also include social and economic sectors, Deputy Roy Daza said on Monday.
He pointed out that the economic recovery that the country is experiencing, which he said is in its first steps, allows “to reach new levels of political stability” and provides “a better scenario for the Venezuelan government to dialogue with the different sectors of the opposition.”
In a morning interview on VTV, Daza affirmed that there are several oppositions linked to the United States government, which in his opinion makes it difficult to advance the process, as happened previously in Mexico and the Dominican Republic, where negotiating tables were set up.
For this reason, he indicated that the new process to begin in the national territory will have another type of structure to not only include the country’s political forces but also the country’s social and economic sectors to “completely dialogue among all.”
«The economy in March 2022 is not the same as in March 2019 and we can all see that clearly, the private sectors are also here to sit down to dialogue and continue finding the correct mechanisms to overcome the economic blockade that the empire has imposed on us American,” he added.
On March 7, the head of state announced that this dialogue process will be enlarged and reformatted in order to guarantee the inclusion of all sectors.
“We are going to reformat the national dialogue process and we are going to a broader and more inclusive process, which reaches out to all Venezuelans who want to make the country want it and give it all the guarantees for the country’s progress. », he said on that occasion.
Regarding the negotiating table that had been installed in Mexico, on October 17 of last year the national government suspended its participation with the opposition after the extradition to the United States of the diplomat Alex Saab.