On Thursday, September 1, at 6:30 p.m., Silva participated in an activity called “Face-to-face encounters with the community” at the Centro Cultural Oeste 11 (former Liceo number 11), through which the chief seeks explain the “educational transformation” that it intends to carry out.
There, Silva announced that 60 new educational centers will be created by 2025, highlighted the salary recovery of teachers, and the work to improve learning and reduce inequities; and assured that the curricular transformation, along with the training of teachers, are the backbone for educational change.
While Silva made his statement, a group of demonstrators from different education unions protested outside the premises.
At one point, riots broke out, Silva was pushed and his vehicle stoned and the rear window of his truck was smashed.
As a result of the events, this Friday, September 2, Silva filed a personal complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office. The complaint was taken by the prosecutor of Flagrancia Leonardo Morales, who already had skills to identify and find the aggressors.
The Minister of the Interior, Luis Alberto Heber, assured that there are people identified.
educational transformation
For his part, Silva stated on his Twitter account that “neither the insults, nor the blows, nor the threats, nor the breaking of glass, nor the graffiti in my home are going to stop the essential transformation of education that the country needs to”.
Days past, Silva’s home had woken up with insulting whistles.