Drivers who are returning to the capital of São Paulo tonight (1) after spending Carnival in the countryside or on the coast are finding the roads with congestion towards São Paulo.
At 18:45, the main highways that give access to the city of São Paulo were jammed. On the Castello Branco Highway there was slow traffic from kilometer 27 to kilometer 32; at Raposo Tavares, congestion occurred from km 34 to km 42; at Bandeirantes, from km 50 to km 58; in Anhanguera, from km 53 to km 64; on the Presidente Dutra highway, from km 208 to km 210; and at Fernão Dias, from km 53 to km 63.
On the highways that connect the capital of São Paulo to the coast, there was no slow traffic. According to the Ecovias concessionaire, which manages Via Anchieta and Rodovia Imigrantes, traffic is normal on the way back to São Paulo.