The states of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo had the highest growth in current revenues until the third quarter of 2022, according to the Summary Report on Budget Execution, released today (19) by the Ministry of Economy.
Rio de Janeiro had an increase of 36% in current revenues, while Espírito Santo had an increase of 34%. In third place, with an increase of 32%, Pará, Mato Grosso and Santa Catarina were tied.
With the exception of Rio Grande do Sul, all states had an increase in revenue and current expenses above inflation, accumulated by 5.49% from January to June 2022. In the case of the Rio Grande do Sul budget, both current expenses and income increased only 5%.
In relation to current expenses, the biggest increase was in Roraima, where they increased 39%, surpassing the increase in revenues, which was 21%.
Expenses also increased more than revenues in Rondônia (34% against 31%), Ceará (28% against 25%), Piauí (24% against 22%), Minas Gerais (21% against 18%) and Amazonas (28 % against 18%).
The report shows that São Paulo is the state whose own revenue corresponds to the highest percentage of current revenue, with 93%, followed by Rio de Janeiro, with 90%, and Rio Grande do Sul, with 83%. At the other end, Acre is the state where transfers make up the majority of current revenue, with 71%.
Regarding expenses, the report shows that Bahia, Espírito Santo and Santa Catarina were the states with the highest percentage of investments, corresponding to 12% of total revenue. Amazonas was the state that spent the most on current expenditures, with 33%, and Rio Grande do Sul had the highest percentage paid in personnel expenses, with 66%.