Home South AmericaChile Riots are recorded in the early hours of the Day of the Young Combatant

Riots are recorded in the early hours of the Day of the Young Combatant

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During the first hours of this March 29, demonstrations were registered in different parts of the country, within the framework of the Day of the Young Combatant, a date on which the murder of the Vergara Toledo brothers is remembered in the midst of the Pinochet dictatorship.

Carabineros reported excesses that occurred in the commune of San Bernardo, precisely on Av. Colón Sur with Chacao, near the 62nd Police Station of the commune. There, unknown persons threw objects at the water jets and barricaded the place.

Video via Twitter @CarabPrefMaipo

Incidents were also recorded in Concepción, where unknown individuals set up barricades on Route 160, at kilometer 14.

Video via Twitter @ludistacrata

It is expected that during this day the demonstrations will intensify and in view of this, the Government is preparing a plan to face this day with 3,000 police officers that will be deployed throughout the Metropolitan Region, especially in the points that are considered critical: Avenida Grecia in Peñalolén, Villa Francia in Central Station and La Pincoya in Huechuraba.

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