The Secretary of State for Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro (Sepol) is carrying out the Alba operation today (9), to disrupt the financial arm of the largest drug trafficking faction in the state and dismantle the drug and weapons purchase scheme. 26 search and seizure warrants are being executed, in addition to the judicial blocking of approximately R$ 76 million in bank accounts and the kidnapping of high-value assets. The targets are suspected of participating in money laundering.
In Rio, the action takes place in the Penha neighborhood, in the north of the capital, close to the Kelson’s community. The operation is also carried out in Pará, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo and Paraná, together with the state civil police.
One of the targets is Dalton Luiz Vieira Santana, known as DT. He is named by investigations as the head of Kelson’s and would be the leader of a scheme to camouflage the entry of money from drug trafficking into the banking system, through third-party accounts and in fractional amounts.
death suspect
DT is also investigated as the main suspect in the death of his ex-girlfriend, Bianca Lourenço, 24, in January last year, with refinements of cruelty. She would have been quartered and her remains thrown into Guanabara Bay. The drug dealer is one of the main fugitives from justice in the Portal dos Procurados.
According to the police, the state government’s program Cidade Integrada, to reclaim territories, has contributed to investigations against the criminal faction that operates in Jacarezinho and is present in other communities.
The operation is coordinated by Sepol’s General Department for Combating Corruption, Organized Crime and Money Laundering, through the Police Station for Combating Criminal Organizations and Money Laundering. Also participating in today’s actions are the General Department of Specialized Police, the Coordination of Special Resources and the Secretariat for Integrated Operations of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, through the Mosaico project.