An operation launched in the early hours of Saturday (2), by the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro, resulted in the arrest of three criminals linked to militia groups. The action took place in the Santa Cruz neighborhood, west of the city.
Agents of Operation Lei Seca, with the support of the 27th BPM, approached the cars where the militiamen were. The criminals are part of a militia group that disputes the territory with a rival gang, which has triggered numerous shootings and murders, both in the west and in the Baixada Fluminense.
With the militia, restricted-caliber pistols, ammunition, magazines and bullet-proof vests were found. The three were arrested in flagrante delicto and taken to the police station, where they could be indicted under specific legislation on militia crime.
The militias are usually formed by police, firefighters and even prison guards, or former servants of these security forces, with the aim of forcing residents and traders in certain regions to pay for protection services, in addition to exploring the sale of gas cylinders, of clandestine internet distribution and the alternative transport of vans.