The city of Rio de Janeiro has a new forecast of rain showers for this Thursday (30), according to the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) and the Alert Rio System. According to Inmet, there is danger of heavy rainfall for City from Thursday to Friday morning (31), with risks of cutting electricity, falling tree branches, flooding and electric discharges.
The capital of Rio de Janeiro had already registered heavy rains on Wednesday (29) and debuted its new warning system, which uses the technology “Cellbroadcast”, developed by the National Civil Defense. The afternoon, mobile phones of the cariocas sounded an alarm and showed a warning on rain showers and the need to avoid areas subject to flooding.
The alarm was sent to Rio de Janeiro residents when it reached stage 2, the second less severe on a five scale, which is defined when there is a risk of high impact occurrences in the city, but there is no impacts on the city.
Despite the fright that the cariocas took with the new warning system, no serious occurrences were recorded in the city. Throughout the state, the firefighters answered 14 calls for occurrences between Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, none was considered serious.
At 6:45 am on Thursday, the city returned to stage 1, which is considered a level of normality. The maximum temperature for the day is 37ºC, according to the Rio Alert system.