The official right prepares its action plan for the slogan Republican Coalition and presents candidates for the mayoralties of cannelloniMontevideo and Salto in the upcoming departmental elections. In order for the Republican Coalition to be able to compete in the electoral process, it must obtain at least 500 votes by June 30.
For some coalition actors in Salto, it is already clear that a coalition will win the government. In Canelones, they believe they have a real chance. And Montevideo represents the great challenge.
In an interview on Channel 5, Gustavo Osta, deputy secretary of the Colorado Party, stressed the importance of offering fresh alternatives to citizens and indicated that “we believe that democracy benefits from the rotation of parties and options. Citizens deserve other alternatives, since the Frente Amplio model at the municipal level is a bit exhausted. We believe that we can be an alternative for the people.”